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  • Membership Volunteer

    Free For Volunteers. Requires Approval.
    Valid for one year


Meet and Mingle!

Message runs hundreds of events annually - parenting classes, Message Talks, activities for kids of all ages from babies to college-aged, co-working sessions, informal coffees, seasonal parties and more.


Learn from those who have Been There, Done That: 

Message members help each other navigate and better understand life in France : healthcare, education, banking, taxes, administration, working or just living in France -

have a question? Our members have answers!

Find Your People:
Message offers over 35 groups, social and support, a great way to connect!
Many of us have made our closest friends (our family in France) thanks to Message.

Why Join Message?

  • All kids are Message Kids!

  • You can add a joint account for an extra 20 € later

Individual membership
Valid for one year
  • What's Included In My Message Membership?
    Personal log-in details for the members-only website - connect with other members and discuss issues large and small in a private setting Access to Message-only events and get-togethers such as the Annual General Meeting, networking events, Message Monthly Meetup, local Playgroups, etc Opt-in to receive updates from groups that interest you directly to your inbox (e.g. your neighborhood group, Working Parents, etc) Access to networking, advertising and promotional opportunities - perfect for entrepreneurs and small business owners

Membership FAQs

Image by Hannah Busing
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